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A Multitude to Interpreting Migration - Episode 2

A discussion on the various aspects to migration often overlooked, and developing consciousness about the 'need to leave.'

“Colonial history, neocolonial practices and migration studies are all interlinked.”

Despite not wanting to leave their homes, people have to —it is a decision that must be made for the sake of progress that entails so many connotations trailing back into the historical perspective whilst also moving forwards.

Lecturer Sophie Watt, from the University of Sheffield, shares her first-hand observations and analyses, drawing on the issue of demarcating the terms ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’ particularly by the Western countries and the statuses awarded on basis of legality.

“The people I’ve met at these borders are all deserving of seeking refuge. They all have good enough reasons to want, to need, to migrate. And that’s the thing, people don’t actually realise that it’s more out of need than out of a will to migrate.”

Listen in to this episode of Notes from Nomads where Dr. Watt shares insight to her research trip to two Spanish territories on the Moroccan coast, and the lives she has witnessed at the borders and understanding the need to provide refugees the safe space to share their voice - their journey - their story.

Notes from Nomads is a video-podcast subsection of TMC Archives where people from various backgrounds and expertise come together to raise questions about the flip-side of the world and take on discovering answers through research and experiences, collecting them under one roof.

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